【同义词辨析】 2018-04-23 宏伟grand-grandiose

grand: adds to greatness of size or conception the implications of handsomeness and dignity: a mansion with a ~ staircase.          公馆宅第a large impressive house

magnificent: implies an impressive largeness proportionate to scale without loss of dignity or good taste: ~ paintings and tapestries.

imposing: implies great size and dignity but stresses impressiveness: large, ~ buildings line the avenue.

stately: may suggest impressive size combined with poised dignity, erect bearing, handsome proportions, and ceremonious deliberation of movement: the ~ processing proceeded into the cathedral.

majestic: combines the implications of imposing and stately and adds a suggestion of solemn grandeur: a ~ waterfall.

grandiose: implies a size or scope exceeding ordinary experience but is most commonly applied derogatorily to inflated pretention or absurd exaggeration: ~ schemes of world conquest.

grand: 在巨大(great)基础上比例协调(handsome)尊严(dignity),magnificent: 规模大不失品味尊严,imposing: 巨大、尊严,但强调印象深刻,stately: 除尺寸巨大外有尊严仪态协调仪式感,majestic: 前两个词基础上增加庄严壮阔(solemn grandeur)的意思,grandiose: 超过常规的尺寸范围,但一般贬义表示膨胀的矫饰(pretension类似东施效颦)荒唐的夸张

记忆方法: 1)首字母GM IS GM联想为Great Mansion IS Great Mansion大厦是大厦<==宏伟

         2)宏伟的意思是巨大让人印象深刻mean large and impressive.